SONY A6700 Camera Guide + SLOG 3 LUTS INC.
SONY A6700 Camera Guide + SLOG 3 LUTS INC.
SONY a6700 Guide with the SLOG3 LUTS - 10% in savings
Get set up fast with the SONY A6700, Finally a true Hybrid APSC camera.
In the Guide below we go over many important settings, how to expose photos, and the best way to expose SLOG 3.
So A Guide not a Manual..... What does that mean?
Basically you can use the camera Manual to explain the camera settings, we get it right. Well Not really as that thing is gibberish! But Sony Does have a great SONY SUPPORT website, and if you get lost that's a great place for an explanation of complex settings.
So this “GUIDE” is how I use Sony Cameras and my complete settings, now Sony Cameras do have firmware updates, and somethings are in different places from model to model but, this is the Just the Gist to SONY cameras.
SLOG-3 Pack includes
We made 6 different LUTS! Each LUT has a High or Low contrast option, giving you even more flexibility in post for contrast and saturation control.